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If you’re anything like me, you appreciate the allure of an older woman. I believe I figured out at a fairly young age that more experienced babes had it going on. I remember being eighteen and my friend’s mom coming on to me. I was too chicken shit to act on it, but I knew then, and I still know now, that lady would have rocked my world.

What I don’t appreciate, however, are those sites that claim to have mature models and then they give you a chick in her twenties. They throw her hair up in a bun, give her glasses and a pencil skirt and we are supposed to believe she’s some middle aged housewife experiencing empty nest syndrome. Get out of here with that.

That type of shit is the main reason I set out on my journey to discover sites that truly bring you older women who are in their golden years but still have golden pussies, so to speak. And I have come back with this opportunity for you to use our Grandmams discount for 65% off an amazing true mature porn site that also comes with instant access to the entire Adult Prime Network!

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